Thursday 6 December 2007

Weight Training - Understanding weight training and how it can help you to achieve your fitness goals.

The image of training with weights has long been tarnished by the vision of sweaty gyms populated with huge muscle bound steroid abusing hulks. I can tell you now, all that has changed. More and more people are including weight training into their exercise regimes and quite rightly so. Here are some of the reasons why.

If you have never trained with weights before, then I suggest that you seriously reconsider. Weight training has so many health benefits it’s hard to list them all. But, recent research by the American Heart Association has suggested that adults should complete at least 2 resistance-training workouts per week. Other research suggests that regular resistance training with weights helps to improve strength and appears to reverse the signs of ageing in muscles. As little as 2 hours per week is all that is needed. Both these studies help to give credit to the value of exercise.

Believe it or not, your muscles do not know your age! They will respond to regular exercise whether you are 18 or 80, by becoming stronger. Your goals at 18 may be completely different from someone who is 80. But muscles are meant to be used and as the age old saying goes ‘Use it or lose it’ that is exactly what happens as you get older. Remember that your heart is muscle and that a sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of having a heart attack. Regular exercise is one way to help reduce heart attack risk. Exercise can easily be adapted to target several different health concerns. Whether you are in a wheelchair, use a walker, need to be seated for exercise, or can dance the night away, exercise should be a part of your life.

In a nutshell weight training (or resistance training as it is also referred to), is beneficial at any age. Some of the main benefits are; to assist you in completing everyday tasks without difficulty, maintaining muscle mass, increasing your metabolism by helping you burn more calories, maintain strength and improving posture. And you are never too old to start.

Have you ever wondered why old people often stoop over?

Read the full article online.........Weight Training - Understanding weight training & how it can help you achieve your fitness goals.