Friday 28 March 2008

Fitness Tip - Preserve your muscles

Preserve your muscle

Here's some facts that you may or may not know about your muscles and why it's important to use and preserve them;

1. Muscles require energy & burn calories even when not in use, so they increase your metabolism and help burn fat.

2. Muscles support your skeleton. Depletion of muscle over time due to old age and inactivity causes poor posture because your body can no longer support it's own weight.

3. Regular resistance training with weights helps to preserve muscle mass.

4. The more you use a muscle, the stronger & more toned it gets.

5. Muscle tone is when the muscle is in a state of readiness.

6. Muscle does not turn to fat if it's not used. Fat and muscle are 2 totally different types of tissue.

7. Yo yo fad dieting causes muscle loss due to the starvation response. Basically your body eats it's self for energy because you are depriving it of the right amount of fuel to function.

8. Women will not develop huge muscles when training with weights, instead they will increase their metabolism, burn more fat and tone up.

9. Muscle helps to improve balance and posture, hence preventing injury and joint related problems in old age

10. You only need to include 2 resistance training sessions per week to get all these benefits. Resistance training should become part of a well balanced training program that includes CV exercise, flexibility and a healthy diet.

Monday 24 March 2008

Fitness Tip - Core Training

Core Training

One of the most important areas you should work on to improve your overall fitness, is development of your core strength and stability.


Your core is responsible for supporting and stabilizing your upper body during everyday movements such as twisting, bending and lifting. Having a strong core helps create good posture which in turn helps to promote a strong back.
A lot of back pain is simply caused by poor posture and weak core abdominal muscles.

What is your core?

Your core is made up of several different muscles arranged in layers. It has deep, middle and outer layers. Imagine it like a corset that wraps around your body, underneath your ribs and down to your pelvis.

Fortunately, its very easy to train your core in just a few minutes per day.

Here are some really good examples of Core Stability Exercises that you can start with right away. Click on the link below to access them.

Start with the simpler exercises and progress as you get stronger.

Sunday 23 March 2008

Fitness Tip - What are you fit for?

What are you fit for?

Before embarking on any new fitness programme it's important for you to realise what you want to be fit for.

Fit or fitness are very broad terms and can be applied to a number of different things.
Ask yourself what you are fit for right now.

If all you do is sit around watching TV in the evenings, sit at a desk in front of a PC all day and drive around everywhere in the car, then that is exactly what you are fit for. If you play golf 2 times a week that is what you are fit for. If you run marathons, then that's what you're fit for. Do you understand what I'm saying?

If you want to get fit then be very specific about what you want to get fit for. If it's your dream to run the New York marathon, then that is your ultimate fitness goal and it's vital that you adapt a training programme to compliment your goal.

Setting a definitive and specific goal will help you to achieve your ultimate aim and keep you motivated.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Fitness Tip - Good Fats

Good Fats

Fats have had pretty bad press over the last 20 years or so. They are an essential part of our diet that have definite health benefits and should not be underestimated.

Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These are found, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, vegetables, oils etc. These are also known as Essential Fatty Acids or EFA's because they are essential to our diet. Even saturated fats are not as bad as we seem to think. These fats are mostly found in animal products and some oils such as Palm & Coconut oil. Coconut Oil is currently being hailed as a super food. Click the active link or more info on Coconut Oil.
The main thing about these types of fats is that they are completely natural, so your body can handle them and use them in the correct way.

There are huge debates raging as we speak about fats and whether they are good or bad for us.
However, I can tell you one type of fat that you should avoid like the plague and that is Trans-Fats or AKA Hydrogenated Fats. These are man made fats that are found in processed foods such as, margarines, biscuits, cakes, pastries, ready meals and fast foods. Make no mistake these will cause you harm and have been blamed for the up serge in cases of high cholesterol and other lifestyle related diseases over the past number of years.

In short, your body does not know how to handle these types of fats so they cause all sorts of problems and damage to your cells. You are much better off eating foods with a little butter than using margarine.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Fitness Tip - Healthy Eating

Ever heard the phrase 'You are what you eat'? That's exactly what we are.
Each time you eat something your body uses the nutrients from that food to replenish and rebuild your body cells.

Eat poor quality food and effectively you are building yourself a poor quality body.
By eating higher quality foods you will build yourself a high quality body.

Take a closer look at what you are eating everyday and look at where you can make small changes.
Some examples of how you can make changes might be;

  • Reduce the amount of processed foods
  • Reduce sugar intake
  • Reduce salt intake
  • Cut out the intake of trans fats
  • Reduce stimulants such as tea and coffee
  • Drink more water
  • Always eat the freshest food possible

Healthy eating doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming. Change one thing everyday for the better and before you know it you will have completely changed your eating habits.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Fitness Tip - Exercise advice

Take the opportunity to exercise whenever you can. You don't have to always get your training kit on. Plan your day and think about where you can include some extra activity.

Do you need to take the car to the shops?
Can you use the stairs instead of the elevator?
Does the garden need doing?

Each one of the above activities can easily be included around your daily routine and will help you to maintain and even improve your fitness levels.

Make a conscious effort to include more activity within your daily life.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Calorie Counting

Losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit through diet and an increase in physical activity.

The healthiest weight loss is achieved by reducing your calorie intake by 500 calories per day.
  • 250 from a reduction in dietry intake
  • 250 expended by an increase in physical activity
Click on the link below for 2 Free demonstration videos for the Calorie Counting and Meal Plnner Tools provided by Maximuscle.

Monday 10 March 2008

Food Additives

How brown is your bread?

Did you know that brown bread is not wholemeal and actually contains more additives than white bread? Why? Because it's white bread with colouring.

Check on the ingredients label if your not sure.

Wholemeal bread will contain 'Wholemeal flour'. If it just contains wheat flour, then this is refined and not wholemeal. It may contain E numbers. E100 numbers are colourings.

Refined carbohydrates, which includes white bread and brown if it's not wholemeal are poor sources of nutrients and should be avoided.

Don't be fooled by the manufacturers and make sure you become 'Food Smart'. Always check the ingredients labels for additives and preservatives. The simple rule is, if you can't pronounce it then put it back.