Tuesday 3 June 2008

Is the fat gene an excuse for being overweight?

I was watching a TV programme last night, in fact I'm sure many of you also saw it. Basically, they took DNA samples from a group of people to see how many of them had copies of the fat gene. The results were analysed and the group was then split into 3. Those who had no copies of the fat gene,those that had one single copy and those that had two copies. As genetic sequences come in pairs, the effect is greatest in those with two flawed copies. So you would have expected those in the group with 2 copies of the gene to have all been very overweight right? Wrong. In fact the 3 people in the group that had both copies of the gene, weren't actually overweight. What it did show is that the group with the two copies of the gene had a slightly higher than average body fat percentage than the other two groups. What that means is they have a slightly higher body fat to lean body mass ratio, but that does not necessarily make someone overweight. You can still have a relatively high body fat percentage and be well within your healthy weight range.

Now their were some people in the other two groups who were convinced that they had the worst case scenario, that is 2 copies of the fat gene, when in fact they had none or only one copy. They were really suprised to find that they could no longer blame being overweight on genetics. So are we as a nation using the excuse of the 'fat Gene' for being overweight?

Certainly, your genetic make up can play a big part in you being overweight and if this is the case then you can't do much about that, but it's only one part of the equation. Their are several other factors all related to poor lifestyle that can be addressed in the war against obesity. These are things that you can influence and make a difference even if your genetics are against you;

1. Dietry habits - Nutritional imbalance. You are eating more calories than you need
2. Physical inactivity - Sedentary lifestyle. Not eneough exercise
3. Smoking and alcohol - Both have a significant influence on the body in relation to storing body fat

So before you start blaming the fat gene for you being overweight, make sure that you have addressed the other three parts of the equation. Being overweight can be addressed with a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise regardless as to whether you hold the 'fat gene'.