Tuesday 13 May 2008

How to get rid of love handles

One of the most popular questions that I get asked is; "how can I get rid of my love handles".

Everyone is genetically different. Some people have a tendency towards storing body fat, others are naturally lean and the lucky few are lean and muscular. If you have 'love Handles' then it's likely that you fall into the type of person that has a genetic tendency to store body fat easily (Endomorph). However, this should not be an excuse to have them.

The 2 main body shapes that fall into the endomorphic somatotype are 'Apple'. Where fat is mainly stored around the chest and mid section. 'Pear where fat generally accumulatesaround the hips, bottom and thighs.

If you have 'Love Handles' then you are more likely to be 'Apple' shaped rather than 'Pear' shaped. This can be a problem, because people with 'apple' shaped bodies are more prone to developing diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. So it is very important that you start to take action to do something about it.

If you are serious about getting rid of your love handles you can, with a little effort and dedication on your part.

As already established, 'love Handles' are caused by excess body fat. Reducing excess body fat basically boils down to a combination of 2 things;

1. Increase in physical activity - so you burn more energy

2. Healthy balanced diet - to control your food intake to compliment your activity levels.

Increasing your activity levels

Cardio Vascular (CV) exercise is very important in fat burning. Increasing the amount CV exercise you do in a week will increase your metabolism burning more calories and fat for energy.

Try doing this; High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This is the best way to burn fat.

HIIT can be done with any CV activity such as running, walking, swimming, cycling as long as it get your heart and breathing rates up to a high level, then it's effective.

WARNING: High Intensity Interval Training is not recommended for beginners to exercise. Check with your Doctor before trying this as it raises your heart rate close to it's maximum which is not wise for people who are not used to it. As an alternative to HIIT, perform long slow distance training by increasing the overall time, but keeping the intensity constant around 5-6 for the duration.

1. Warm up for 5 minutes at a steady relaxed pace. On a scale of 1 to 10 your perceived intensity rating should be around 4-5/10. You should be able to keep going and hold a conversation comfortably

2. After 5 minutes alternate with periods of rest and work.

Work Interval
- Increase your pace so that your intensity rating is a 9.
- Hold this pace for 8 seconds.

Rest Interval
- Reduce your pace back down to around 5-6 for 12 seconds.

Repeat this cycle for 10 minutes or for as long as you can keep it up.

3. For the last 5 minutes reduce the pace back down to 5.

For more information on this type of training check this website; Turbulencetraining.com

Core Abdominal Exercise, helps to increase muscle tone and strength around the mid-section (core). This will sculpt your stomach and the surrounding muscles to give a more toned physique by making the muscles more prominent around that area. Increased muscle mass also helps to burn more calories hence helping to reduce body fat.

Do these core abdominal exercises;
Start with as many as you can do. Work up to 3 sets of 20 reps per exercise.

1. Abdominal Crunch - Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. Pull your belly button towards your spine, and flatten your lower back against the floor. Slowly contract your abdominal, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor.

2. Obliques Twist - Start by lying down with your back flat on the floor and your left knee up. Place your right ankle on your left knee. Put your right arm straight out and your left hand behind your head. Curl your left shoulder up towards your hip. (Don't try to bring your elbow to your knee.) Once your shoulders are off the floor twist and feel a squeeze in the opposite side of the waist. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor. Slowly return to the start position. Once you finish your set switch sides and repeat.

3. Plank - Start by lying face down on the ground or use an exercise mat. Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest. Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms. Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground.

4. Back Extension - Lie face down with your arms by your sides, palms facing up and legs extended and relaxed. Hold your head up slightly or rest your forehead on the floor. Relax your shoulders into the floor, but keep your abdominal tight. Tense your bum muscles and use your lower back muscles to slowly lift your shoulders and chest off the floor. Lower and repeat.

As well as doing these exercises based around increasing core strength it's recommended that you also follow a balanced weight training routine to improve muscle tone and endurance around the whole body. This will promote good posture and help to increase your metabolism to burn more fat.

Sensible healthy eating:

The second core ingredient to losing those love handles is a good healthy balanced diet. Restricting calories too much is not recommended and can actually cause you to get fatter. Concentrate on the quality of your food rather than the quantity.

Here's 5 points to consider about your diet

1. Think quality - Eat the best possible food whenever you can. Fresh is best.

2. Portion sizes - Get your portions right. Divide your meal into 3 portions, protein & fats (meat/fish etc.), Starchy Carbohydrates (Rice/Past potato etc.), Fibrous carbohydrates (Root veg, green veg, fruits etc.) Each portion size should be roughly the size of your fist for a full grown adult.

3. Eat little and often - This prevents hunger and regulates your metabolism. 5 to 6 small meals per day is recommended.

4. Always, always, always eat breakfast - Skipping breakfast makes you fat. Your metabolism is rock bottom in the morning. Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism and starts you burning fat

5. Options - Always look for a healthier whole option. Here's some examples, wholemeal bread over white bread, wholemeal pasta over white pasta. Lean meat & fish cuts over sausages or fish fingers. Jacket potatoes over chips. Fruit over biscuits. Whatever you like to eat there is always a healthier more natural alternative.

Take one thing that you think you can improve on within your diet per day and change it. Example; Reduce your sugar in tea from 2 to 1 teaspoon. Switch to wholemeal bread. Cut your alcohol intake to the recommended daily units.

Follow the advice in this post and you will surprised at how quickly you'll see your love handles disappearing.