Monday 25 February 2008

Obesity and Exercise

Obesity and Exercise: This blog will give the basic information required for an obese person to understand the need for increasing physical activity and identify the actions they need to take before getting underway. But first let’s take a look at some pretty scary statistics.

The National Health Survey England carried out between 1994 and 2003 revealed shocking increases in obesity for males and females in the UK.

* 9.5% increase of obesity in males between 1994 & 2003
* 6.1% increase of obesity in females between 1994 & 2003

If this trend continues then by 2010 over a third of all adults in the UK will be classed as obese, putting a huge strain on the already struggling NHS. In fact obesity is rising faster in the UK than in any other European community.

For the full article click this link Obesity & Exercise