Thursday 20 March 2008

Fitness Tip - Good Fats

Good Fats

Fats have had pretty bad press over the last 20 years or so. They are an essential part of our diet that have definite health benefits and should not be underestimated.

Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These are found, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, vegetables, oils etc. These are also known as Essential Fatty Acids or EFA's because they are essential to our diet. Even saturated fats are not as bad as we seem to think. These fats are mostly found in animal products and some oils such as Palm & Coconut oil. Coconut Oil is currently being hailed as a super food. Click the active link or more info on Coconut Oil.
The main thing about these types of fats is that they are completely natural, so your body can handle them and use them in the correct way.

There are huge debates raging as we speak about fats and whether they are good or bad for us.
However, I can tell you one type of fat that you should avoid like the plague and that is Trans-Fats or AKA Hydrogenated Fats. These are man made fats that are found in processed foods such as, margarines, biscuits, cakes, pastries, ready meals and fast foods. Make no mistake these will cause you harm and have been blamed for the up serge in cases of high cholesterol and other lifestyle related diseases over the past number of years.

In short, your body does not know how to handle these types of fats so they cause all sorts of problems and damage to your cells. You are much better off eating foods with a little butter than using margarine.

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