Wednesday 17 October 2007

10 Fitness Tips for October

1. Replace a coffee break with a brisk 10-minute walk. Ask a friend to go with you.

2.The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that training with weights (resistance training) can help patients fight disease if performed in a controlled and correct manner. A reasonable program of resistance exercises can help the heart to lower the risk factors related with heart disease.
Read more online at

3.Some of the benefits of exercise for Asthma suffers
a.Builds muscular strength & endurance for respiratory muscles
b.Increases effectiveness in extracting oxygen therefore increasing the body’s work capability
c.De-sensitises the airways in relation to triggers, which results in less aggravations
d.Reduces reliance on medication

4.The recommended advice is 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day to remain healthy. Only 27% of the population are eating at least 3 portions.

5.Weight training could be the key to fat loss. A study at Ball State University in the US found that people who participated in a regular weight-training program (combined with aerobic exercise and diet) experienced weight loss due almost entirely of body fat. Where as people participating in purely aerobic exercise (and diet) experienced a weight loss due to a combination of lean muscle and body fat.

6.If your muscles cramp during exercise it could be that you are not properly hydrated. Make sure that you drink enough water before exercise and always have a drink on hand whilst working out. If you are doing long CV workouts it’s a good idea to have an isotonic sports drink to replace electrolytes lost during exercise.

7.Remember, if you are new to exercise or thinking of getting started, then start slowly and build up. Any exercise that is above and beyond your normal level of activity can be seen as a positive step, even if it’s only 10 minutes.

8.If you don’t relish the thought of joining a gym, then why not get started at home. Get yourself a set of dumbbells, a stability ball and an exercise mat and you get started right away. Do your aerobic exercise outside by walking, jogging or cycling. 30 minutes a day is all you need to get started.

9.People who want to get fit generally fall into 3 categories;
a.Improve quality of life or health
b.Improve physical appearance
c.Training for a specific activity
Which category do you fall into? It’s important for you to realise why you want to improve your fitness.

10.Green Tea helps to encourage the immune system to fight disease, but research shows that White Tea extract can actually destroy organisms that cause disease.

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