Monday 4 February 2008

Resistance Training

A good all round fitness program should incorporate the 3 following elements;

1. Aerobic (CV) training - Running, swimming, walking etc.
2. Resistance Training - Weight training, circuit training, palates etc.
3. Flexibility - Stretching, yoga

Including these 3 main elements will help you to get a good grounding in the 7 core components of fitness which are;

1. Aerobic
2. Anaerobic
3. Power
4. Strength
5. Endurance
6. Flexibility
7. Balance and mobility

For more information on the 7 core components of fitness, read our article 'Get Fit'.

Too many people only focus on one key area and that is generally the one that they feel comfortable with. For example, many people, run and never do weights. Or some people just workout with weights in the gym and never do any aerobic exercise. Very few people actually stretch before and after a workout session. The truth of the matter is all 3 are important for a balanced fitness program. Skipping any one element can end up being detrimental to your overall goals. To become all round fit, you have to incorporate a range of activities that will challenge all 7 of the core components of fitness. Progression of fitness is all about putting yourself outside of your comfort zone so that your body adapts to new challenges.

Resistance training is an essential activity that will help to develop, strength, power, endurance and balance. This in turn will promote good posture and fat loss, by preserving lean muscle mass. Lean muscle burns calories and will help to keep your metabolism on fire, thus preventing weight gain due to an increase in body fat.

If you are not doing so already, get started with a resistance program.

For more information read our article 'Weight Training for Fitness'.

For a great beginners all body resistance program check out 'Toning Exercises'

If you are not sure where to start with resistance training, have a chat with the Fitness Instructor at your local gym or hire a Personal Trainer to design a resistance program specific to you.

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