Monday 16 June 2008

Home workout

You don't need to join a gym, have any specialist equipment or even leave the house to have a great workout that will improve your overall fitness.

Check out this video of a very simple Home Based Body Weight Circuit that you can do anytime, anywhere without any equipment.

This circuit will improve your cardiovascular fitness, tone muscle and burn body fat.

Do this circuit at least 3 times per week. Start with 1 set of 15 repetitions

The exercises should be performed in a circuit format one after the other. You should aim to perform at least 15 repetitions of each exercise.

If you are new to exercise then start slowly and only do what you can. You can rest for up to 60 seconds between each set of exercises. As you progress and get fitter, reduce the resting time between each exercise set.

Once your form begins to fail then you should stop and rest. You should aim to progress each time you do the circuit, for example, if you can only manage to do 5 push ups, then the next week, aim for 6. This is how you will eventually get fitter and stronger by continually moving the marker posts and challenging your body.

If you find any of the exercises too difficult to perform even 1 rep, then replace it with one you can do. For example; Push Ups, you can do them on your knees. If you can't do declined push ups (feet on the bench) then try inclined push ups (hands on the bench, knees or feet on the floor)

Here's the exercise order again;
  • 15 x Y Squats
  • 15 x Push Ups
  • 15 x Lunge
  • 15 x Declined Push Up
  • 60 x Star Jumps
  • 15 x Runner Squat Thrust
Get started right away. Your aim is to to be able to complete all the exercises and repetitions with perfect form, one after the other without any rest. Once you can do this, then it's time to move on and change the routine to a more challenging one.

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