Thursday 4 September 2008

Workout Routines for Toning

The best exercise routines for great muscle tone are a combination of CV and resistance training. For muscles to become visually toned you need to focus on 2 things;

1. The muscle to be in a state of constant tension or readiness to act over a period of time
2. Low overall body fat levels

Both of these states can be achieved by applying the correct training program. Toning of a muscle occurs through regular usage and can be achieved by training a specific muscle group to become responsive and 'ready for action' by applying a low intensity (65% 1 RM), high repetition range (15 - 20 reps), low volume (2 to 3 sets) training program. This is known as muscular endurance training which can be better defined as the ability of a muscle to perform repeated actions for a long period.

Most people confuse muscle tone with muscle size. This is not the case. Muscular size (hypertrophy) is only achieved by applying a moderate intensity training program (67% to 85% 1RM) with an intermediate repetition range (8 to 12 reps), but with a high volume, (3 to 6 sets). Increases in muscular size and strength are also greatly affected by calorie intake as an increase in quality protein is required to help achieve muscle growth.

A low level of body fat will help to expose toned muscles giving the impression of a increase in muscle size. So an optimum diet is also necessary to help reduce overall body fat. Try to make smart food choice by including fresh vegatable, fruit, lean meats and fish in your diet. Cut out junk food and reduce alcohol intake.

Contrary to popular belief, fat can not be spot reduced by just training a particular area, such as the abdomen and arms. Imagine your body is like an ice cube. Turn up the heat and you will melt across your whole surface area and not just in one place.

Here's a interval workout routine I did the other day, which is great for increasing muscle tone and reducing body fat.

20 minute Cardiovascular interval session.
Can be performed any way you like; running, walking, cycling, swimming etc.

  • 1 to 5 minutes - Warm up - Intensity 3 to 5/10
  • 6 minutes - Hard interval - Intensity 8/10
  • 7 minutes - Easy interval - Intensity 3/10
  • 8 minutes - Hard interval - Intensity 8/10
  • 9 minutes - Easy interval - Intensity 3/10
  • 10 minutes - Hard interval - Intensity 8/10
  • 11 minutes - Easy interval - Intensity 3/10
  • 12 minutes - Hard interval - Intensity 8/10
  • 13 minutes - Easy interval - Intensity 3/10
  • 14 minutes - Hard interval - Intensity 8/10
  • 15 minutes - Easy interval - Intensity 3/10
  • 16 minutes - Hard interval - Intensity 8/10
  • 17 to 20 minutes - Cool down - Intensity 3/10

Resistance Training
For the resistance session try this quick body weight circuit.
Do 15 repetitions of each exercise in a super set. Take 60 seconds rest between each set.
Try to repeat the circuit 3 times. If you can't do 3 sets, just do what you can and work up to it.

Set 1
Squats x 15
Press up x 15

Set 2
Lunge x 15
Tricep press up or tricep dips x 15

Set 3
Squat thrusts x 15
Plank x 30 seconds

Set 4
Side Plank x 30 seconds each side

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